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ICS 2024 Live Lounge: Join expert discussions live

Friday 04 Oct 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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We are excited for the ICS Live Lounge programme planned for Madrid, bringing you informal discussions from a long line-up of renowned thought leaders.

The sessions will be held in the exhibition hall during coffee and lunch breaks so pop along during your down-time between workshops and scientific sessions. You'll hear key ICS contributors discuss their involvement at ICS 2024 and have the opportunity to ask your pressing questions.

Take advantage of this chance to engage with influential voices. This year's line up includes the following renowned experts and thought leaders, plus more to be added before ICS 2024.


How to Watch

🎥 Engage with experts live at Booth #04 in the Exhibition Hall of IFEMA

For up to date information, including the full schedule of the Live Lounge sessions, visit ICS 2024 Live Lounge

▶️ Live recordings will be made available on the ICS social media channels throughout the annual meeting.

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