Professor of primary care research. General practitioner (2004) and epidemiologist (2002).
Doctoral thesis "Normal values and determinants of urogenital tract (dys)function in older men: The Krimpen Study" (2002, promotors professor Siep Thomas and professor Ruud Bosch).
Currently working as a GP in a group practice (2,5 days/week), and as professor at the department of primary and long-term medicine of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), the Netherlands. Main scientific interest in functional urology and urogynaecology. Learning assignment durable accessibility of primary care.
Member of research program pelvic- and abdominal problems in primary care at UMCG.
Member of the ICUD subcommittee on nocturia and the ICS/ICCS Nocturia and nocturnal enuresis working group; author of the Dutch GP-guideline Male LUTS (2013 and 2023); author of Dutch GP-guideline prostate cancer (2024); member of guideline committee BPH/LUTS of the Dutch Society of Urology (NVU, 2018).