Education Courses


How to apply for an ICS Add-on Course/Lecture or ICS Endorsement

One of the goals of the ICS Education Committee is to establish links with relevant professional societies across the globe. This is done by collaborating on multidisciplinary educational activities at national or international meetings. The ICS can provide expert speakers or endorse your course. Endorsement would involve the ICS promoting your event through our network and website. We can also grant permission to use our logo to market your event.

The overarching strategy for the ICS Education Courses is to provide high quality, accessible and affordable education, encouraging multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary practice. We particularly want to reach younger professionals and those from low/low-middle income countries as these groups often miss out on the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in clinical or academic specialist practice. Furthermore, we hope these courses will also promote ICS's activities and mission.

What can the ICS do for your event?

Item Description
ICS Add-on Course A specific ICS session at an existing meeting or event where multiple ICS speakers will talk. This session can be in multiple formats, for example: a workshop, seminar, debate, discussion, or forum.
ICS Add-on Lecture A single lecture or presentation by an ICS speaker added to an existing course or conference programme to enhance the overall learning experience for attendees.
ICS Endorsement No ICS speakers will attend the event, but it will be promoted through the official ICS network, featured on our online calendar, and the ICS Endorsed logo can be used in marketing materials.

If you would like to apply for one of the above for your upcoming event, then please read the full guidance below and then complete the ICS Education Course application form which can be accessed via the button below:

ICS Education Course Application Form

Important things to note:

  • All submissions must be made at least 2 months prior to the date of the event.
  • All submissions must be submitted by an ICS Member.
  • The term Local Host refers to the ICS Member who submits the Education Course application form.
  • If your course is taking place multiple times in one year, you do not need to complete the application for each date. There is a space in the form for you to put all the dates for this year.
  • Each successful application is valid for one year. If the course will run again next year, the host contact will need to submit a new application.


The ICS is unable to provide any financial support for education courses due to budget constraints and other commitments. As a charity, ICS has limited funds for financial support and currently must focus its resources on other areas of the organisation. This means ICS Speakers cannot be financially supported at the moment. All costs need to be covered by the speaker or the host organization.


When an application is submitted, the programme of the event is required. (An online programme will suffice). Your application will not be processed without this document as it will be used by the Education Committee to decide on the outcome of the application. If the final programme is not available, a draft programme can be submitted. Please ensure the document submitted is in English.

ICS Speakers

All ICS speakers must be valid ICS members. Speakers should ensure that ICS Standard Terminology is used throughout their presentations. Speakers can be invited to present by the Local Host to check availability, but the course/lecture is not officially confirmed until the programme is approved by the ICS Education Committee.

It is the responsibility of the Local Host to communicate all the logistical information to the speakers.

ICS PowerPoint

All ICS speakers are expected to use the ICS Branded PowerPoint Slide set when presenting an ICS Education Course. This can be downloaded using the button below:

ICS Branded PowerPoint


The official language of the ICS is English therefore all ICS Add-on Courses and Add-on Lectures should be delivered in English language.


If your application is approved by the Education Committee, the event will be advertised on the ICS Calendar on the ICS website, in our bi-weekly eNews mailer and on our social media channels. In addition to these, the Local Host should advertise the course through relevant local organisations and in local publications.

Calendar Entry
The ICS calendar entry will include a synopsis of the event, the programme, a link to the official event webpage (or details on how to register) and details of any ICS speakers (if appropriate).

Please view the ICS Calendar for examples.

If you would like to provide images for the social media posts and the calendar entry, we would be grateful if these could be sent through in the following sizes:

  • Calendar Entry – 1280 x 720 px
  • Social Media – 940 x 788 px (Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn), 1080 x 1080 px (Instagram)

Should the course take place close to the ICS Annual Meeting then the ICS office would be happy to distribute flyers, supplied by the Local Host, advertising the event.

ICS Branding
The ICS Endorsed logo can be used in the programme and on all advertising materials. The ICS office will provide this logo on confirmation of the course. Details on how to use the logo can be found via the button below:

ICS Logo Guidelines

The ICS shall advertise its forthcoming annual meeting or courses during any Add-on Courses or Lecture, by way of flyers and a brief PowerPoint presentation/breakslide/video. The PowerPoint also promotes ICS Membership and the ICS Glossary. You can view the PowerPoint via the button in the PowerPoint section above.

If the Local Host or a representative can provide photos (where applicable) and a brief report (between 200-500 words), the ICS Office will draft a news article on the course which will be published on our website and in our eNews mailers.

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