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Journal of Neurourology and Urodynamics delivery survey

Thursday 17 Jul 2014 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The current contract between ICS/SUFU and the publisher, Wiley, for the subscription to the Neurourology and Urodynamics journal ends in December 2014. The Board of ICS, along with that of SUFU is reviewing terms with the publisher with a view to a renewed five year contract.

As part of these discussions there are a number of possible changes to consider. The Board feel it is important that members’ comments are taken into account and we should like to ask your opinion on the method of delivery of the journal.

Under the current contract full ICS members receive electronic access and eight delivered print copies of the journal annually; under the draft contract proposal from Wiley we are offered two options for journal delivery:

1. Online/Electronic access only
a. This would involve no cost increase to the ICS
b. A print on demand option will be available for both an annual subscription and single issue sales for anyone who prefers to still get print issues. This would be at additional cost to the individual member.

2. Print and Online/Electronic access
a. This would involve a cost increase to the ICS which may mean that the ICS membership fee will need to increase to help cover the increased fees.

The opinions of ICS members are important and we value your input. We request that members visit this survey link to provide your opinion on the journal’s method of delivery under the new Wiley/ICS contract.

The survey is open until Thursday 14 August.

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