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Winner of the Neurourology Review Award Announced

Friday 26 Jul 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The results are in for the first ever award of its type!

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2024 Best Neurourology Review is Vicktor Bruno Pereira Pinto for his project on comprehensive management of neurogenic stress urinary incontinence in women.

Congratulations to lead author, Dr Pinto and to the co-authors of the project.

Best Review in Neuro-Urology Award for 2024: Comprehensive Management of Neurogenic Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women

Lead author: Vicktor Bruno Pereira Pinto Co-authors: Luísa Resende Tenório de Albuquerque, Bernardo Sachet de Andrade, Cristiano Mendes Gomes

The manuscript will shortly be submitted to Continence Journal where it will be published, subject to successful peer review.

2025 Neurourology Award

If you are interested in participating next year, please refer to the timeline below for key dates for your diary! Further details will follow closer to the time.

  • Manuscript Submission Opens | February 01, 2025
  • Submission Deadline | March 31, 2025
  • Winner to be Informed | April 30, 2025
  • Annual Meeting (ICS 2025 Abu Dhabi) | September 18-20, 2025

The successful applicant will be awarded with a certificate at the ICS annual meeting, complimentary registration for ICS 2025 and publication in the Continence Journal (subject to peer review).

Applicants for the award must be:

  • The lead author of the review. Co-authors are permitted and might be required for fulfilling the standard requirements of a good review (as per PRISMA guidelines)
  • A valid member of ICS
  • Recently qualified (≤5 years) in Urology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Neurology, Gynaecology, Geriatrician, or allied specialty with interest in Neurourology.

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