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Discover the Best in Conservative Management at ICS 2024

Friday 19 Jul 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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Conservative Management Sessions at a Glance

There’s plenty of conservative management related content on the Programme for ICS 2024 to appeal to physiotherapists, nurses and other allied health professionals. We’ve pulled together the most relevant sessions for you, to help you navigate the programme and get the most out of the annual meeting.

The best place to start is the Physiotherapy Forum and Nurses Forum which are great opportunities to network with fellow colleagues and enjoy presentations on relevant emerging research. Why not check out the podcasts on each of the ICS 2023 forums to get a taste of what to expect in Madrid:

Experiencing the ICS 2023 Nursing Forum

Recounting the ICS 2023 Physiotherapy Forum

Top Picks for Nurses

ICS Nursing Committee Chair, Tamara Dickinson's recommends:

ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE) A Joint ICS-ASCRS Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Improving Care in Bowel Incontinence

ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE) Ethical Considerations in Continence Care for Adolescence Workshop

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Male and Female Cancers: Conservative Management Strategies Before and After Cancer Treatment | Round Table 2

Primary, Secondary Prevention and Conservative Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse | State of the Art Lecture

Prevention and public health | Scientific Podium Short Oral Session S8

Products, Health Services Delivery and Postpartum Haemorrhage | Scientific Podium Short Oral Session S30

Top Picks for Physiotherapists

ICS Physiotherapy Committee Chair, Paula Igualada Martinez's recommends:

Workshops & Forums

08:30 - 10:00: ICS 2024 Workshop 1 - ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE) A Joint ICS-ASCRS Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Improving Care in Bowel Incontinence
08.30 - 10:00: ICS 2024 Workshop 2 - ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE) Physiotherapy Committee: Ultrasound Imaging of the Structure and Function of Pelvic Floor Muscles in Men and Women
12:30 - 13:30: Pelvic Floor Exercise Class
16:00 - 17:30: ICS 2024 Workshop 11 - Pre and postpartum Pelvic Floor Muscle exercise in prevention of urinary incontinence - theory and practice

09:30 - 14:15: Physiotherapy Forum & Physiotherapy Forum Lunch
15:00 - 16:30: ICS 2024 Workshop 16 - ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE), The Adolescent Pelvis: Pain and Bowel Control
17:00 - 19:00: ICS 2024 Workshop 20 - Integrated Total Pelvic Floor Ultrasound – A Hands on, Multidisciplinary Approach
17:00 - 19:30: ICS 2024 Workshop 14 - Shared Decision-Making: Patient experience and priorities in urology and pelvic pain management

09:00 - 10.30: ICS 2024 Workshop 21 - Revisiting what works and why in pelvic floor muscle exercise prescribing: a biopsychosocial integration of science to help achieve better behavioural and health outcomes.
11:00 - 12:30: ICS 2024 Workshop 22 - Enhancing Healthcare Excellence: Exploring the Impact of Advanced Clinical Practice in Allied Health Professionals on Clinical Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction

Round tables

14:00-15:00: ICS 2024 Round Table Discussion 2 - Pelvic floor dysfunction in male and female cancers: conservative management strategies before and after cancer treatment
16:00- 17:00: ICS 2024 Round Table Discussion 3 - Management of faecal incontinence and bowel dysfunction following surgery

State of the Art Lecture

08:30 - 09:00: ICS 2024 State of the Art Lecture 3 - Primary, Secondary Prevention and Conservative Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Best of Conservative Management Abstracts

And finally, the top podium sessions in Conservative Management are as follows:

Scientific Podium Short Oral Session S2 - Interventional Studies
Scientific Podium Short Oral Session S19 - rehabilitation
Scientific Podium Session S22 - Best of the best conservative management Abstracts coming soon
Scientific Podium Short Oral Session S26 - Conservative 4: Biomechanics and TBC Abstracts coming soon
Scientific Podium Short Oral Session S29 - Conservative 5: Products, health services delivery and PPH Abstracts coming soon


Why not browse the programme to make sure you don’t miss anything?! Click on a session to open up the full details, including speakers and objectives of the session. You can also use the filter and search function to find a specific faculty or topic that particularly interests you.

To view registration rates and the extras available, please visit Register for ICS 2024

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