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ICS Institute – An Update

Tuesday 19 Oct 2021 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The ICS Institute was born in 2017 following an initiative from then General Secretary, Sherif Mourad. One of the Institute’s primarily roles was to serve as an educational portal for ICS content grouped by discipline The Institute grew to include 12 Schools, each supervised by a Director, as appointed by the Institute Steering Committee.

With the current Directors’ 3 year terms ending at the 2021 AGM the Board have deliberated on the current and future role of the Institute. There was a need to reassess the function of the Institute due to overlap with committees of the same name and the need to re-focus ICS resources. The Board agreed that the Institute has successfully fulfilled its primary purpose of creating a portal for ICS content grouped by discipline.

The Board will now work with the Education Committee to create an infrastructure to provide oversight of the Institute going forward. Where applicable, this will be in close collaboration with the relevant committees, e.g. those Schools and Committees of the same discipline – Nursing, Physio, Urodynamics. The ICS office will assist with identifying and allocating the content to each School. Due to this reorganisation all Director and working group terms will conclude as of the 2021 AGM. Any ICS member may still propose and produce content (not just video but also documents and reports, etc) in line with the Standard Operating Procedures.

The Board recognise that the success of the Institute to date is in large part due to the dedicated efforts of the Directors and their working groups. We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks for their support in establishing the solid foundations of the Institute.

We will continue to review the role and functions of the Institute as we proceed with these changes. We remain convinced that the Institute will continue to thrive and will be the home of e-learning within ICS for years to come!

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