Surgery Neurourology Overactive Bladder |
Target Audience
Surgeons, urologists, fellows and residents for urology, rehabilitation physician who want to know more about surgeries for their patients. |
Aims and Objectives
This course is part of te MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) project of the neurourology promotion committee. During 90 minutes, 6 12 minutes talks will be provided aimed to focus on surgical techniques dedicated to management of voiding disorders for neurologic diseases. This course will be the start of a whole programme of the committee to produce videos (teaching) and at the final step an atlas for surgery in neurourology.
Learning Objectives - - Describe tips and tricks of each of 6 selected surgical techniques specifically dedicated to neurourology.
- Explain which are the main indications for each.
- Give a quick general description of the main principle of management of patients who may be candidates and summarise the best and recommended follow-up.