The imaging of leakage of red blood cells from submucosal capillary after bladder overdistention -Effect of α1 blocker for hematuria after acute urinary retention-

Mizuno H1, Yamamoto T2, Matsukawa Y2, Muramatsu T1, Soeda Y1, Okamoto N1, Kimura K1, Aota Y1, Gotoh M2

Research Type

Pure and Applied Science / Translational

Abstract Category


Abstract 57
Experimental Models and Pharmacology
Scientific Oral ePoster Session 7
Wednesday 7th October 2015
10:30 - 12:00 (ePoster Station 9)
E-Poster Area (220A)
Imaging Voiding Dysfunction Bladder Outlet Obstruction
1. National Hospital Organization, Nagoya Medical Center, 2. Department of Urology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine


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